It may not get to see you in often as i like..
I may not get to hold you in my arms all through the night..
deep in my heart..
I truly know..
you're the one that i love..
i miss you!!rase nk terbang skang jumpe die!!!
( t t)
6 reaksi:
but if i let u go . i will never know, what my life would be, holding u close to me . when i ever seen, u smiling back at me, and how will i know .. if i let u go !
saje je, bace entry ko ni . rse nk nyanyi je lagu ni . hentam je tungang tbalik .
wa~ sabo je, x jauh pn johor n mlake. jap je smpai kot if nk .
hantaran hantaran . nk pgg hantaran .
tula psl.hantaran2 lame lg ey..sabar....hahahaha
aku punya nxt yer kot.ahhhaaha
su , ak pn nk pgg hantaran hang bulih? kikiki ~
lempang nk?
entry kalo xgay,bkn entry.hahaha
lalallallala.haruslah gay.kate jiwangness.hahahhaha.tggu la nnt time ko bercinta,ari2 xtidoq mlm dok karang poems.lalallala~
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